Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Dear user of our website, specific changes in law based on the new European General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR) have taken place requiring us to update our Terms of Sale and Service (posted on our website and on each of our invoices) regarding the Personal Data and our Privacy Statement applicable to our products or services that you already use or have used.

We want you to be aware in a clear, unambiguous and accurate manner of how we collect, use, transfer or protect Personal Data and of our compliance with the above European Regulation to ensure that it is and remains clear and understandable because it will cover any new products and services you may receive from us in the future.

You should also be aware that the updated Terms and Statement, as well as the new provisions, will apply without further notice to you from 25 May 2018 and will form an integral part of any contract between us. Accordingly, you should be aware that if you choose to continue to use our products and services you accept the Terms and Statement with the above effect. You will also continue to receive email, SMS, postal or telephone messages with informative content from our company about offers, new services or products etc., but you may choose if you do not wish to receive such communications after 25-5-2018 by sending us your request by Thursday 24-5-2018.

For more information, we encourage you to read the full text of the Privacy Statement and contact us at our contact information below for any clarification or questions.

Also, if you do not agree with all of the above, you may choose to discontinue using our services and products, receiving informational content, and deleting your information by forwarding a request to us by May 24, 2018 to our contact information below. However, the complete deletion of your information may result in our inability to provide products and services.